Diversity in Academia

During my PhD at UT Austin I served on the UT College of Natural Sciences Diversity and Inclusion Committee which has organized college-wide initiatives such as the “You Belong Here” campaign, gender-neutral bathrooms, diversity award funding, and a college-wide lunch-series. In summer 2020 I was invited by the College of Natural Sciences Dean Goldbart to join a 15-member UT College of Natural Sciences Action Team on Racial Justice that assessed needs and priorities in response to a college-wide request for action.

How a Department Took On the Next Frontier in the #MeToo Movement
photo and article by The Chronicle of Higher Education
The article describes efforts by the graduate students in UT's Integrative Biology Department to improve cultural issues in the department and academia as a whole, specifically as it relates to addressing racial insensitivity and sexism.

Leveraging individual power to improve racial equity in academia
Individual power in academic spaces is multi-faceted and identity-dependent. In a publication in Hormones & Behavior I and other members of the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology provide action strategies for addressing racial inequity in academia, from the individual to the structural level. In the publication we also invite readers to critically examine how their identities contribute to their power and to subsequently reflect on which action strategies can leverage that power.

A systems change framework for evaluating academic equity and inclusion in an Ecology and Evolution Graduate Program
Gathering and evaluating data on representation in academia is the first step to identifying areas to target inclusive programming efforts. In our publication in Ecology and Evolution Julia York and I analyzed information about the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of Texas at Austin and its PhD program in Ecology, Evolution, and Beehavior. In the manuscript we discuss how graduate programs can evaluate their inclusive programming efforts in order to make the most efficient and positive impact.

For additional information, please refer to my CV
